Types of Conveyors Used in Cement and Lime Mining

Belt Conveyors

Screw Conveyors
Description: Screw conveyors are utilized in cement and lime mining to ship powdered or granular materials. They comprise a pivoting helical screw inside a decent box, pushing materials forward as the screw turns.
- Ideal for taking care of fine or granular materials in a controlled way.
- Delicate material dealing with, limiting material corruption.
- Conservative plan, making them reasonable for restricted spaces.

Bucket Elevators

Drag Chain Conveyors

Apron Conveyors

Vibrating Conveyors

Pneumatic Conveyors
Advantages of Conveyors in Cement and Lime Mining
- Efficient Material Handling: Conveyors smooth out material transportation, decreasing difficult work and working on general productivity in cement and lime mining tasks.
- Enhanced Safety: Mechanized material taking care of through conveyors lessens laborer openness to perilous regions, limiting the gamble of mishaps related to manual dealing.
- Cost Savings: Conveyors lessen the dependence on difficult work and various vehicles, bringing about long haul cost reserve funds in cement and lime mining activities.
- Consistent Production: Conveyors guarantee a consistent and dependable stockpile of natural substances to the handling plants, upgrading cement and lime creation rates.
Utilizations of Conveyors in Cement and Lime Mining

Raw Material Vehicle to Squashing Plants
Overburden Handling

Loading and Unloading